
Privacy policy and protection of personal data

In accordance with Law No. 29733 and its Regulations, declare to have been informed unequivocally and authorize that personal data are consigned in this file, as well as those that can be obtained by virtue of my relationship with the company Consorcio Cambios Diversos Peru SAC and Money Exchange International SAC, including my image, voice, electronic signature and / or fingerprints, are stored in the Databases of Consortium Various Changes Peru SAC and Money Exchange International SAC others that comply with the security measures required by the regulations of the matter; and be treated by Consorcio Cambios Diversos Peru SAC and Money Exchange International SAC and / or by natural and / or legal persons delegated or ordered by it. In this sense, Consorcio Cambios Diversos Peru SAC and Money Exchange International SAC and / or the individuals and / or legal entities to whom they are responsible, are in charge of the data with the following purposes: (i) for the execution of the relationship with the holder of the data, (ii) for academic and / or professional purposes, (iii) for statistical and / or research purposes, (iv) for commercial, marketing and / or advertising and information purposes regarding products and services. data were processed while considered necessary for the purposes indicated.

I certify that Consorcio Cambios Diversos Peru SAC and Money Exchange International SAC will guarantee the exercise of my right of access, rectification, cancellation and response, and any other thing that corresponds, according to the regulations of the matter, by requesting it in writing in the next address: Av. Elmer Faucett Nro. S / n Int. 226 International Airport (Main International Hall). The contact information can be found at

As a result, I authorize a Consortium Changes Peru SAC and Money Exchange International SAC to carry out the aforementioned activities